Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cool Games!

Today we had our first volleyball game, we got to play two teams. The first teams name is Magnolia1 they were good at serves, the one player could hit the ball so hard that we would jump away from it! We lost to the first team, we played three games with them and we only won one, they won the other two. We had a good practice before we moved on. The next game we played Magnolia2, they won one game and we won the other two. Anyways I was the server one round and to tell the truth I had know idea what I was doing so I served the ball before the referee said to. The other team were all hitting it, trying to get it back to our side, while the referee was trying to tell them we weren't playing yet. After that I made sure that the referee said I could serve, when I served they keep hitting it so it went backward and out of the line, so they were getting it out after I served it. When it was my turn to step out and to let someone else play one of the leaders told me I was their secret weapon. We were happy that we won the game! I like volleyball but I like basketball better! I also had a problem that I would hit the ball so hard it would hit the roof, and we lost a point because I did that! Other than that I enjoyed the game!

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