Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Inspired By My Friend Nadia!

Nadia is my friend and this post was inspired by her! Nadia recently did a blog post that involving tongue twisters, so I wanted to write some that I came up with or my brothers or sisters came up with. Some are weird and some are really hard to say. Others are really easy to say because we have said it so many times.
The first one that I am going to blog about use to be hard to say, but now that I am use to saying it. Here is the story, we got a peanut butter jar from the store, the jar was advertising Peter Pan on it. This is what the peanut butter jar said: "Peter Pan Peanut Butter," try saying that five times fast!
This one I made up when I blogged about mushroom kitchens. I was writing the label for the mushroom post and I came up with this: "Mushing Mushy Mushrooms." Now that is hard to say three times fast. I can't even say that!
This one I also came up with. "Mashing Mushy Mashed Potatoes!" That tongue twister is a little easier than the others. Try to say it three times fast.
So try them and make up your own, post a comment that has a tongue twister!

1 People Comment Because They Love Me!!:

¿나디아? said...

yay! i was in a blog post! and the tongue twister aren't bad by the way!