Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Bro!

My dad got four free rodeo tickets, he took the younger three. My brother and I were disappointed that we could not go, so we did some rodeo things at home!

The first is; my brother got rope from the garage, and on the count of three he chased our dog and went to tie Reagan's (our dog) legs together. It did not work out so great, Reagan keep running away so my bro waited till Reagan was laying down, then he raced into action.
Instead of getting up Reagan let my bro tie him up we laugh at Reagan, then he tried to get up he couldn't. When we were done untying him we rode away on are invisible horses!
Different story also with my bro.

It all started in the kitchen when my brother (burrito boy) said “I want muscles and fast”.

He said that in his old boy scout book that they said to use milk gallons and fill it with sand. We only had one empty milk gallon, so we fill it with sand and put some water as well. We went out side he started to lift it then bam out of no were he had an idea!! He got a bungee cord the gallon of sand and he put the basket ball hoop. He hooked the gallon of sand to the bungee cord with the other side of the cord he had in his hand, then he pulled it to build strength in his arms.

That only lasted for a minute till we punched it and laughed. Then Reagan jumped at it we watched as our dog jumped and was holding on to it with his front paws, it was swinging around and it looked like he was dancing!! I took the end of the cord and was pulling it like it was a piñata, he jumped at it and it looked like he was boxing!! He also grabbed it with his mouth and ripped holes in it. By the time he was done he had it on the ground ripped to shreds and he looked like he just drank a lot of chocolate milk!!

My brother is fun and cool!!
This is a picture of his idea face!
When he has this face it means hes got an idea!!!
Here is his blog

4 People Comment Because They Love Me!!:

Burrito Boy said...

Thank's Monkey

Lauren said...

That Blog stinks! I'm just kidding Buster.

Nice post Stef!

¿나디아? said...

We all need to post more where geting lazy I think all post some thing this week.

Monkey Bread Maker said...

Thanks Bro!
Thanks Sunbum!!
HI Nadia!!!!!!!!!!