When you usually ask teen girls what is their favorite book most likely they say Twilight, well once my mom read a blog that said it was a ripoff of another show I dumped Twilight to watch the show, Roswell. I found out it is true, that and Roswell is a lot better than Twilight. Here is a list of my five favorite books:
1. Vampirates!
This book is about twins who sail out to sea when there dad dies (they never knew their mother), they get in a storm and they get separated. The boy is saved by a pirate ship and the girl gets saved on a vampirates ship. I suggest this book.
2. Peter and the star catchers!
The book is about Peter Pan with out the Pan, he lives in never land and their is a captain hook and all that but its a cool book, I suggest this book, and by the same writers they make mini series of peters friend the lost boys.
3.The two princesses of Bamarre!
Of course its about two princesses, one is brave and the other is shy and not so brave. When the brave one has a sickness that you died from the other princesses go's to find a way to save her.
4. Fairy dust and the guest for the egg!
I like fiction books the best, I thought Tinker Bell was snobby in this book so I did not like her that much.
5. The Chronicles of Narnia!
I love all the books and I suggest them to anyone. I also think the movies were just as good as the books!So that is my top five favorite books!
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