Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thirteen Is Old But Not As Old As Fourteen!

That's right I am thirteen today, its against my will that I have to turn older. Well the fun thing about turning older is that Sunbum and I will both be thirteen for a month! So I will take that opportunity to tell everyone we know and new people we are thirteen, then when they say so your twins I tell them no and they always get confused, some people that we met when we were little thought we were twins, and some people still do! I remember last year I did that, Sunbum does not like it, well I do. So I won't really be thirteen till tonight. These cakes are not my birthday cakes but I liked the pictures!

5 People Comment Because They Love Me!!:

¿나디아? said...

happy birfday!!!!!!@!!!

¿나디아? said...

yay im first what would u like for you birfday?!?!?!?!1

Monkey Bread Maker said...

I don't know.
Look at Sunbums blog!

Lauren said...

Happy Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!!

Nancy Face said...