Monday, May 5, 2008

Birthday girl!!

Happy thirteenth birthday Sunbum!!! Until this afternoon Sunbum and I where both twelve, and now she is all grow up. This morning she was talking about her birthday and how it had to rain on her birthday, to cheer her up I said we planed for it to rain so we could go mud sliding in are backyard she loved the idea! Sunbum and her trip to the book store.
The year we played kickball and lost most of the games.
Sunbum is a weinner!!! Whoops. Sunbum and her awesome Halloween costume. There is Sunbum when she was only eleven and now she is thriteen!!!

3 People Comment Because They Love Me!!:

¿나디아? said...

happy b-day sunbum

Lauren said...


Brynn said...

haha, So I was reading this and before I read it I looked at Sunbums shirt and it had spongebob on it and I read the post out loud, and i said, "happy birthday" it was pretty funny :)